Simple Transcription for Audio and Video, Done Right
Convert audio and video into accurate text efficiently.
3 free transcripts daily. No credit card required.
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Converting to text...
99.9% Accuracy
10+ Languages
5 Hour Uploads
Speaker Recognition
Private & Secure
Efficient Transcription
Need to transcribe hundreds of hours? We've got you covered.
Rapid Processing
Our GPU-powered transcription engine swiftly converts audio and video into text.
5 Hour Uploads
Each file can be up to 5 hours long. Upload up to 10 files simultaneously.
Multiple Language Support
Transcribe content in over 10 languages with automatic language detection.
Audio & Video Support
Upload files in all common formats, including MP3, MP4, MOV, AAC, WAV, WMA and more.
Flexible Transcript Downloads
Export transcripts as DOCX, PDF, TXT, captions, and subtitles (SRT, VTT).
"Scarily good. I transcribed hundreds of audio and video files in only a few minutes."
— John D., Content Creator
100% Free
- 3 Transcripts DailyTranscribe 3 files for free every day.
- 30 Minute UploadsEach file can be up to 30 minutes long.
- Upload 1 file at a time
- Lower PriorityWait longer before your files are transcribed.
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$20 billed monthly
- 120 Hours of TranscriptionUp to 120 hours of transcription services each month.
- 5 Hour UploadsEach file can be up to 5 hours long.
- Upload 10 files at a time
- All FeaturesTranslation to 10+ languages. Unlimited storage.
- Highest PriorityWe'll always transcribe your files ASAP with the highest priority.
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